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Level Functions

NEW ()

Adds a new entity to the level and returns it.

NEW (template)

Adds a new entity to the level, with a copy of the components specified in the table template and returns the entity.

KILL (entity)

Removes the entity entity from the level.

MAP (x, y)

Returns the tile at tile position (x,y) in the level.

MAP (x, y, id)

Sets the tile at tile position (x,y) in the level to index id, and returns the previous index of the tile.

LVL (x, y)

Returns the tile at pixel position (x,y) in the level.

LVL (x, y, id)

Sets the tile at pixel position (x,y) in the level to index id, and returns the previous index of the tile.

PIX (x, y)

Returns the pixel at pixel position (x,y) in the level.

PIX (x, y, id)

Returns the pixel at pixel position (x,y) in the sprite id.

FLG (id)

Returns the bit flags of sprite id as a byte.

FLG (id, mask)

Checks whether the bits in mask are also set in the bit flags of sprite id.

ALL (class, ...)

Used in a for-loop to iterate over all entities with “non-false”-components associated with ALL of the classes specified. For each matching entity, the entity followed by each of the components for the specified classes will be returned.


for ent, pos, vel in ALL ("pos", "vel") do
  pos.x = pos.x + vel.x
  pos.y = pos.y + vel.y

ALL (t)

Same as above, except using the elements in the array-like table t instead.

ANY (class, ...)

Used in a for-loop to iterate over all entities with “non-false”-components associated with ANY of the classes specified. For each matching entity, the entity followed by the matched component and its class will be returned.


for ent, timer, id in ANY ("delay", "count", "invincible") do
  timer.sec = timer.sec - DT
  if timer.sec <= 0 then
    ent[id] = nil -- removes the component from the entity

ANY (t)

Same as above, except using the elements in the array-like table t instead.

SETUP (fn1, ...)

Adds the specified functions (fn1, …) as setup-systems to the level.


Same as above, except using the elements in the array-like table t instead.

UPDATE (fn1, ...)

Adds the specified functions (fn1, …) as update-systems to the level.


Same as above, except using the elements in the array-like table t instead.

DRAW (fn1, ...)

Adds the specified functions (fn1, …) as draw-systems to the level.

DRAW (t)

Same as above, except using the elements in the array-like table t instead.

META (t)

Returns the metatable of t.

META (t, meta)

Sets the metatable of t to meta and returns the table t.

USE (filename)

Loads the specified file, filename, and returns its content. The value returned by filename is a function or table, the same function/table will be obtained from any subsequent call to USE by the same filename, even if used in different files (uses / as separator).

NOTE: This function can only be called before the game runs, i.e. in the top scope. Calling it outside this scope results in an error message.