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Graphics API

PNT (x, y, ...)

Draws a point/pixel at position (x, y) on the screen; additional argument pairs will be used as additional (x,y) positions to draw at.

LINE (x1, y1, x2, y2, ...)

Draws a line from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2); additional argument pairs will be used to draw additional lines, starting from the previous set of coordinates.

CIRC (x, y, radius)

Draws a circular border, with a center at (x,y), and a radius or radius.

DISC (x, y, radius)

Fills a circular area, with a center at (x,y), and a radius or radius.

RECT (x, y, width, height)

Draws a rectangular border starting a (x, y), with a width of width and a height of height.

FILL (x, y, width, height)

Fills a rectangular area starting a (x, y), with a width of width and a height of height.

CLR ()

Clears the display.

CLR (x, y, width, height)

Clears a rectangular area of the display, starting at (x, y), with a width of width and a height of height.

SPR (id, x, y)

Draws a $4 \times 8$ sprite with index id at position (x,y).

SPR (id, x, y, fx, fy)

Draws a $4 \times 8$ sprite with index id at position (x,y); set fx to true to flip the sprite horizontally, set fy to true to flip the sprite vertically.

SPR (id, x, y, fx, fy, clear)

Draws a $4 \times 8$ sprite with index id at position (x,y); set fx to true to flip the sprite horizontally, set fy to true to flip the sprite vertically, set clear to true to clear the area behind the sprite.

TILE (id, x, y)

Draws a $8 \times 8$ tile with index id at position (x,y).

TILE (id, x, y, fx, fy)

Draws a $8 \times 8$ tile with index id at position (x,y); set fx to true to flip the tile horizontally, set fy to true to flip the tile vertically.

TILE (id, x, y, fx, fy, clear)

Draws a $8 \times 8$ tile with index id at position (x,y); set fx to true to flip the tile horizontally, set fy to true to flip the tile vertically, set clear to true to clear the area behind the tile.

SLAB (id, x, y)

Draws a $16 \times 16$ slab with index id at position (x,y).

SLAB (id, x, y, fx, fy)

Draws a $16 \times 16$ slab with index id at position (x,y); set fx to true to flip the slab horizontally, set fy to true to flip the slab vertically.

SLAB (id, x, y, fx, fy, clear)

Draws a $16 \times 16$ slab with index id at position (x,y); set fx to true to flip the slab horizontally, set fy to true to flip the slab vertically, set clear to true to clear the area behind the slab.

TXT (str, x, y)

Draws the string str at position (x, y).

TXT (str, x, y, clear)

Draws the string str at position (x, y); set clear to true to clear the area behind the text.

WB ()

Changes the rendering mode to white-on-black (default mode is black-on-white), i.e. sets the background color to white and the drawing color to black.

BW ()

Changes the rendering mode to black-on-white (the default mode), i.e. sets the background color to black and the drawing color to white.

IWB ()

Toggles the rendering mode between black-on-white and white-on-black.