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Terminal Commands

HELP [cmd]

Shows help info for [cmd] if specified; otherwise, prints list of commands.


Terminates ECoS.

BUILD <code> [cart]

Creates a cartridge, [cart], (defaults to same as <code>) by bundling existing sprites, sounds, etc. with the given code file, <code>.

MOUNT <cart> [code]

Mounts a cartridge, <cart>, by loading it into RAM. The cartridge code will be stored in the folder [code] (defaults to ‘CART’).


Clears the Terminal.


Opens the Synthesizer/Waveform Editor.


Opens the Level/Map Editor.


Opens the Image/Sprite Editor.

RUN <file> ...

Runs the code in <file>, passing any additional arguments to the code.

EDIT <filename>

Opens the Code Editor with the file <file>.

CP <file1> <file2>

Copies the content of <file1> into <file2>.

MKDIR <foldername>

Creates a new code folder named <foldername>.

RM <name>

Removes the file <name>. Can also be used to remove empty folders.

LS [start] [folder]

Lists all elements in [folder] (defaults to code root), starting with [start].

CARTS [start]

Lists all cartridges starting with [start].


Opens the cartridges folder in the native system file explorer.

MEMCLR [start] [size]

Clears the memory.
If [start] is specified, memory will be cleared starting at this address.
If [size] is specified, at most this many bytes will be cleared in memory.

MEMCPY <start> <size> <index>

Copies a chunk of memory, of at most <size> bytes from address <start> to address <index>.

NOTE: The arguments to MEMCLR and MEMCPY both accept basic arithmetic expressions consisting of + - * / operations, parentheses, as well as the following symbolic addresses: